This event placed sixteen Christmas trees on display at Fulford Mansion for the months of November and December for the community to enjoy, leading up to the holiday season. During this timeline, Fulford Place holds their annual Edwardian Tea, where staff and volunteers dress in period costumes and hold a proper tea event at the mansion to emcompass the era of the Fulfords. This year, I was fortunate enough to attend this event and see first hand, the impression the Trees for Children Christmas trees had on tea goers.
I was recently joined by my Aunt, Grandmother and friend, Suzanne Dodge from Dodge Communications for an afternon of Edwardian tea and Christmas ambiance from days past at local historic site, Fulford House. Upon arrival, we were asked to gather in the traditional tea room, where fresh baked goods and raffle items were on sale. In this room, there was a tree on display sponsored by Dodge Communications as part of my brainchild, Trees for Children. Suzanne was my guest at the tea and was quite pleased with the way the Edwardian Tea brought the Christmas trees to light. We were then seated in the billiards room, which was beautifully decorated with garland, old-fasioned Christmas ornaments and of course a Christmas Tree sponsored and decorated by two local businesses- Set the Barr and First Avenue Interiors. While guests sat to listen to Brian Porter, who was dressed as historical character, a ship's captain and Fulford Helmsman, Julian 'Pont' Mallette, they enjoyed prepared sandwiches, tea and coffee and followed up with an array of desserts. After the tea, guests were allowed to tour the mansion and view the trees on display.
I took this opportunity to watch guests reactions to each tree and hear their thoughts on how it added to the usual Edwardian Christmas theme. I heard wonderful feedback from those in attendance, all were pleased to see our local business owners come on board to support such a worthy cause and raise awareness for a cause close to many.
It is with great humbleness that I thank all those involved with Trees for Children. It is still surreal to me that something that was just a mere thought many monthes ago, has now come to life with the help of our community. I hope everyone has the opportunity to view the trees while they are on display and as always, I would love to hear your thoughts.
For tour dates and times, please visit: