If you were one of the many who attended Prescott's annual Light Up The Night Santa Claus parade, you enjoyed quite a show!
My spouse, two daughters and I ventured out around 5:30 to grab a bite to eat and find a spot to take in the festivities. The parade didn't start until 7:00pm, but I am so happy we got there in plenty of time, as space was limited for the highly anticipated parade. We made a quick trip through MacDonald's, my children are in love with their grilled cheese and apple slices and then headed to our favorite spot where free hot dogs and hot chocolate are served. Never one to lose a good parking spot, my spouse quickly parked our car and the wait began.
It wasn't long before we could see the flashing lights of the police cara start and the many, many floats to follow. I have attended many Light Up The Night parades that are hosted in Prescott and this one didn't disappoint. The candy and smiles were flowing, the creativity was being showcased and all around there was Christmas spirit. My spouse and I agreed that we felt pretty lucky to be able to spend this time together as a family and just as we were about to tell the girls that Santa Claus was approaching, we realized our youngest was fast asleep on Daddy's shoulder. We decided one of us would sit with her in the warmth of our car and the other would take in Santa with our two and a half year old. Just then, she informed us she was tired too and would rather be in the car.
Although we didn't quite see Santa this year, the time spent with our girls and each other, was truly the gem of the evening.
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